No matter how old a man is, it is very important for him to always be at the peak of sexual activity and in this case not to lose face in front of a lady. As we all know, the 80-year-old white-haired husband not only married the little beauty for love, but later became a happy father. Why? Because such people live correctly, think positively, and eat healthy and potent foods. After all, in fact, we are what we eat. And the fact that we drink and smoke. The latter two are the greatest enemies of male sexual power.

This article will focus on folk remedies that can be used to improve men’s strength.
S. O. S
Before you are eager to find folk remedies, enter the field urgently to collect treatment bouquets and brew infusions, you need to determine the cause of the problem. First, the following factors can reduce potency and libido:
- Daily stress and nervousness;
- Physical and mental overwork;
- Long-term lack of sleep;
- Excessive drinking
- smokes;
- Excess weight;
- Sedentary work
- Unbalanced diet.
There are many reasons for the decrease in sexual activity. As you can see, there is no age in this list. So, first of all, if you have at least the above problems in your life, start to solve the above problems.
Folk remedies
Using the so-called "grandmother's method" can improve men's effectiveness faster than traditional medicine. The most important thing is not to overdo it-everything should be in moderation.
Strangely, this drink can also make the whole body and male reproductive organs full of vitality. In addition, drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of diabetes. As you know, diabetes can have a negative impact on your sex life. But, of course, you cannot abuse it: drink coffee as usual, or, if you have not used it before, limit yourself to two cups.
Remedial measures can only be taken if there are no heart and blood pressure problems. If everything is normal, then we take the tincture of ginseng and acanthopanax senticosus and continue. First, one drop per 100 grams of water droplets, the next day-two drops, then three drops, and so on, for 28 days, add drop by drop. In other words, on the last day of entering the water, 28 drops of tincture must be dropped. The result is not only an excellent effect on men, but also a vivid feeling during sex. By the way, there is a more time-consuming secret recipe: you need to grind the ginseng root, then mix it with honey in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 350 grams of bee workers, and persist for 10 days. Then take three servings of peas a day for two months.
How could it be without him! Grind the hop cones until you have 2 tablespoons of powder. Pour boiling water in two glasses and boil it on high heat for five minutes. After cooling, 3 times a day, 100 grams each time.
This plant has long been known for helping men resume their normal sexual life. Thyme contains a lot of zinc, which can stimulate the release of testosterone and promote the reproduction of sperm in men. The technique is also very simple: take the dried inflorescence-a few tablespoons, pour two cups of boiling water, and let it soak. In the next two days, drink the infusion evenly in the morning, noon, and evening. You can use this drug for six months-you can no longer use it.
Mix 150 grams of shelled walnuts with 100 grams of natural honey and 30 milliliters of aloe vera juice. Divide into three portions and serve as dessert after a meal. You will see the results within a month.
On the basis of this drink, a remedy is prepared, which is no worse than tablets, has a good erection effect and works immediately, so use it immediately before sexual intercourse. Take a liter of wine, pour a cup of orange juice and a half cup of lemon, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of liqueur, fresh mint, cardamom, cloves or cinnamon-pinch each. Stir, heat (don't boil), keep in the refrigerator for three days, you can drink. People who have tried say the effect is simply amazing.
Of course, these funds, like traditional medicines, are not suitable for everyone. So, try-one does not go, take the other. Fortunately, unlike any chemical substance, natural ingredients do not harm the body. Therefore, put aside your doubts and take action: all means are good in the struggle for a healthy, effective and mature sex life. Of course it is safe.
All in all, I want to say that folk remedies are particularly effective for preventive purposes. If you have an erection problem, then the best solution is to consult a doctor. You may have more serious problems that cannot be solved with herbs and various tinctures.